Welcome: "Tree Portal" Fans...
This is where I am going to be posting tips and info about 12 Day Seduction
If you have any questions, email me at crjames100@gmail.com
Take care
CR James
*Author of Super Sex Power (read the reviews)
*Author of Lust Signals (read the reviews) (this actually leaked out - it was at one time one of "secret books" that could only be bought by Owners of Super Sex Power)
*NEW: Author of the SuperSexPowerPortal: Volume 1 (a.k.a The Tree Portal Reports)
(coming soon - in mid December 2005) (limited supply/limited time)
"I had a SEVERAL customers ask me certain questions that made me think that they knew 12 Day Seduction was coming out, so I told them about it.
And everyone is FIRED UP and ANXIOUS, and now it is almost here..."