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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Certain Beliefs Can Make Things Hard For You (pun indended)

From: ********@ntlworld.com>
Mailed-By: ntlworld.com
To: CR James
Date: Dec 17, 2005 4:59 PM

Hi CR,

Thanks for the reply. [read the conversation (post) below to get a better understanding]

Maybe we're talking about slightly different things.

In the Party/Bar challenge - i.e. who would be most likely to get laid in such a circumstance - the agressive (but not assertive) near-psychopath would win. Being charming and persuasive are SYMPTOMS of being a psychopath, as is a lack of compassion and, I would say, insecurity.

I have been involved in a situation where the authorities are believing a (charming) wife-beating bully (at least) rather than finding out about what is going on - to the detriment of two childrens lives. Were the world not so geared to near-psychopaths these people would have known that they were risking their careers by acting as they have, but they could act as they did because THEY KNEW that there would be no come-back.

This is how the world is - and I suspect worse in the US than here (UK).My experience is that we're living in a world where most people see it upside down - feel safe with dangerous people and unsafe with safe ones, celebrate an "upturn" in the economy when it has involved the loss of thousands of jobs (affecting hundreds of thousands of lives).

It is a mad world which celebrates psychopaths (how many of the people "in charge" can you name who are not psychopaths?), and I am reading your stuff to see if I can find some way of negotiating it.

I am writing to you really to comment on what I find it hard to take on board - e.g. your need to be someone else (MFM) to get a good shag (as we would call it over here).

In the circumstance that I have "created" I HAVE TO BE MYSELF to experience the same, and couldn't imagine your strategy because "I" would not be having the experience, but rather the person I am acting.With regard to "seduction" my girlfriend suggests that you are talking about turning someone on, and I am taking you as meaning getting laid by someone new.

That's the whole problem - the world is full of women getting unpleasantly laid by unpleasant men - and my off-hand comment about what you were really selling was a suggestion that perhaps you are trying to change something else through the selling point of offering good sex.I'll read some more.


PS As I understand it, you did all this hard work to get a good shag for yourself

Andy Andy Andy...

Listen my friend...

Are you seriously telling me that your initial argument/rant/frustration was based on your PERSONAL interpretation of what I mean by seduction?
(as oppose to the one that i actually provided several times, in the same book you were quoting from yesterday)

again: i refer to seduction as "sexually inspiring" the woman. (that's it)
it's up the guy to decide whether he wants to think that is good.it's up the guy to decide whether he wants to think that is evil.

some people think getting a woman hot and horny is good.some people think getting a woman hot and horny is evil.

your girlfriend is right. all i mean by seduction is "turning the woman on". (that's it)
the problem with some guys - and I'm not talking about YOU - but some guys would consider themselves as a "Mean Old Bad Evil Man" for having a "strategy"

for some reason they think doing something pre-planned is BAD BAD BADfor some reason they think doing something without the woman's knowledge is BAD BAD BAD the reality is no man or no woman tells everyone their "pre-planned strategies" in life.you don't go into a job interview revealing "your strategy"...

so i want to make that clear (if you know what i mean)
as far as your "Party/Bar challenge" - it has no value.

You are saying that the Psychopath would WIN over the overly nice guy... let's say you are right...

and let's have a little fun with this (if that's ok with you)
my guess is that you want to become "Andy The Legendary Super Seducer". right? lol...
answer this:

who is more likely to get the girl: a crackhead with 9 teeth missing - or - a crackhead with only 2 teeth missing!

answer: the crackhead with 2 teeth missing (duh!)

so with that said, are you going to BECOME a crackhead with only 2 teeth missing????
answer: no.

why, because you are trying to become "Andy The Legendary Super Seducer"
so that means, doing things that are INEFFECTIVE is not good.so that means, doing things that are DUMB is not good.

keep in mind that this is what you said:

ANDY's BELIEF: "Being charming and persuasive are SYMPTOMS of being a psychopath, as is a lack of compassion and, I would say, insecurity." now andy my dear loving friend. i have the super human ability to convince you using my "magic mind powers" that this statement makes ZERO sense.

but instead of using up my "brain power" on this statement, i want YOU to ask yourself whether it makes sense or not.

I want YOU to challenge yourself (open-mindedly) and ask yourself one question:
"is it possible that ANDY's BELIEF makes ZERO sense"
just repeat it a few times my friend. DO NOT try to explain it, because I am trying to help you.


And the reason why I know that you can handle this kind of direct approach is because you emailed me with direct bold questions.

and you challenged me in many ways. I respect that.

so now i will challenge you:

if after you take some time with "ANDY's BELIEF" and it STILL makes sense to you, then (and only then) do i want you to email me with your analysis of it.

and i promise to provide you with an "orgy of analogies" and an "FFM 3-some" of simple beliefs and prove to YOU (using information that is already in your brain) that it's not TRUE.

And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE on monday.
And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE on friday.
And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE in the UK.
And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE in the USA.
And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE on Skull Island with King Kong.And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE when you wake up on the right side of your bed.
And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE when you wake up on the left side of your bed.
And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE while I'm dressed up in a King Kong suit.
And I will compassionately, show you that it's not TRUE while I'm dressed up as a crackhead with 9 teeth missing...

just having fun Andy. think about my friend...

take care...

CR James


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