FAQ: Interesting Questions About The Tree Portal
On 12/16/05, ******* wrote:
Dear CR,
I quote:"Discover the "missing ingredient" that I left out in all of my previous courses so far.
I'm not sure how it could have happened, but I finally realized that I never forgot to teach this, I wanted to hold me head down in shame!". So why do you now have to charge for it?
I am reading SSP and understand what you are getting at, but I wonder if you are getting there:
1. What kind of "close" relationship do you have with your girlfriend if she isn't even interested in what you are writing?
2. Let's face it, the best "seducers" are the complete arseholes. These men are insecure - or else they wouldn't have to use and abuse women in the way they do to make themselves feel up by putting others down.
You do allude to women responding to this in SSP when you say "maybe in a perfect world, guys that are extremely nice to women and give them everything they want will be the ones that turn them on. But in this world things are a little different."
3. As above, people with "charisma" tend to lack compassion (therefore no CECS) usually all empathy. Hence the persuasiveness of the psycopaths. Maybe this is what your girlfriend is getting at (re: using techniques on her).
Are you not teaching people to be arseholes? Have you become one yourself (see first quote)?
I do wonder what you're trying to sell.
hello andy i'm charging for it b/c the course w/o this info doesn't make it incomplete...in other words a person can still get results...
and i believe that there is always more information that can be added or new ways to make it easier to understand (collectively)...
so the idea that i didn't do a 100% transference of 'what i know' into the initial course shouldn't be too hard to accept... the idea that i'm charging for something that i worked hard on - and spent my time and energy shouldn't be too shocking from my view point...
if you buy a car and shortly after you discover that it has "no engine" and then the dealer offers to "sell you" an engine, then you stand a better chance of making the case that he shouldn't charge you for it...
because the unspoken expectation is the car (after purchase) should perform - and in this case that refers to being able to drive... without the engine, the car can't perform... by the way, i respect your ideas and viewpoints...
let me address your other comments....
1. she is "somewhat interested" in what i do - but how does her level of interest in a particular aspect of my life have to do with our "closeness"... she's passionate about her business (making natural soap) and i'm not interested in THAT (at all!)... so does that mean we are not "close"?
hopefully, you are not trying to "sell me" the idea that in order for a couple to be "close" they must achieve 100% "mutally intense interest" in each other's interests
2. your belief that the "best seducers" are assholes (or arseholes) is YOUR belief...
i don't agree with that... btw, how are you defining "arseholes"? because if your definition - in some way - reveals that it is a guy that acts somewhat disrespectful to women, then we are in 100% disagreement...
i happen to believe that TRUE confidence is being someone who respects others...and sees the value in others....
it's almost as if we treat people directly proportional to how we feel about ourselves...(the mirror effect: "show me a man who HATES everyone, and I'll show you a man who HATES himself!"
it's almost as if how we feel about ourselves and others defines TRUE confidence...
TRUE confidence drives women wild...
TRUE confidence makes women experience the warm and wet tingles in her vaginal region...
TRUE confidence is what you should strive for...
so with that said, how can you conclude that the best seducers are assholes? - especially when you are saying that they are "insecure"...
With your arrange of ideas - by simple logic - you are saying: "Let's face it, the best seducers are insecure." Does that make sense?
Let's just say that i don't have the "true confidence" in my ability to convince YOU to believe that - even though (by logic) that is exactly what you are saying my friend...
And since your third point is heavily weighted on what i percieved to be an irrational belief (ie "Let's face it, the best seducers are insecure." ) i'm not sure if i should even address it... "people with "charisma" tend to lack compassion "
have i become an asshole?
it depends on the who you ask. it depends on how skewed their viewpoint tends to beit depends on their emotional level. it depends on what the person gets out of perceiving someone as an asshole "I do wonder what you're trying to sell."
whatever you want to know, i will answer.
if you have any more questions, feel free to ask?
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