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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

This just in: It's OK to be down to Earth

Hi CR,

Thanks Again.

By the way you if you can get a hold of it you MUST get books and Audio tape from Dr J*hn G. he wrote 'Men Are From Mars, Women are From V***s' [title blocked out to protect the author], that man talks alot of sense!

By the way 2..

Do you have any files on choosing or knowing if your partners for you?
things like...your allowed to hate her for upto 5 times [per day] and
still love her etc..

All the best Cr

[CR Replies]

hey don.

is there anything he says - or a belief that he has that stands out to you???

i wish i could remember what he said when i saw him on a talk show, but TO ME, i wasn't really compelled to get his course...

i didn't think he was evil. and i don't get the impression that he is a scammer...

but it 'appeared' to me (and i allow for the possibility that i could have been wrong) that he was speaking directly to women...

-if you go on his website don http://www.marsvenus.com , he has 7 women on there and 4 men....(no big deal)
-the banner at the bottom says "why hasn't HE called" (ok, so that's two things)
-inside the "purple" box it says "Top 5 signs that a MAN is ready to commit" (just a coincidence)
-and there are actually more quotes like this sprinkled throughout the site. lol

then again, maybe i'm a bad guy for pointing this stuff out. let's face it, no one is perfect...

but for a guy that has probably out-sold me (70,000,000 to 1) to have only ONE testimonial on his site from a male (that's right - one testimonial from a male) http://www.marsvenus.com/thankyouletters.php on his site (and this 'male' was equating "entering a relationship" as a success!!!*) i have a hard time getting past things like this my friend...

if you can make a case that helps me get past these things, then i promise to listen...

All the best my friend...

[*Update] The Guy on the site giving the testimonial, (W*yne) is not equating entering a relationship as a success. I must correct myself because I just re-read it. He actually says that his female best friend told him that he is "nowhere near healed" and she told him that he is not ready for a relationship!!

Fact#1 - I have no problems with the author. The message that one must consider the other person's viewpoint is something that I embrace.

But when he says on his site "the best selling relationship author of all time" (which means he sold more than anyone) and he only has one testimonial on his site from a male (the rest of them are from women), then I'm going to be convinced that the book is for women.

And there is not enough bytes in cyberspace for anyone to write me an email long enough to prove to me otherwise.

Fact#2 - I have a word document (font size = 10) that is over 100 pages of testimonials from men in the last 12 months! - and I have never (read my lips my friend - never) received a testimonial like that one. If anyone has ever emailed me a message like that, it would be because the guy is pleading for help so it would be framed as a complaint - not a success story.

My belief#1 - "Results are the only thing that matters."

Tree Portal Math of the Day: 1 apple - 1 apple = 0 apple


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