The Tree Portal is NOW Open!

Thursday, December 15, 2005



Nice report.

Can't wait to see the follow up,
and ofcourse can't wait for the "tree portal" to open.

Your report reminds me about that old story comparinglab rats looking for cheese in a maze to human nature.

Over time, the rats will figure out how to get to thecheese if you keep it in the same place all the time.Then, if you move it to a different spot, they willonly keep going to the spot where it used to be a fewtimes. Realizing (if I can assume rats "realize") itsbeen moved, they will eventually find it and stopgoing down the old path that is now fruitless.

MOST humans (guys for our discussion) on the other hand,don't seem to figure out why doing the same old thingsdoesen't get them much or any "cheese" (insert yourown female anatomicl reference). The great thing isthat the info you provide is like having a "cheese"GPS.

The only catch, of course is you have to use it.
Best Regards,

i like that. so incredibly true.. lol.
you'll definitely appreciate the tree portal..

best regards,


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