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Thursday, December 08, 2005

This guy is not a fan of the TREE PORTAL (LOL!)


dear crjames,

this time i will be very honest with you and with anybody else of course.

And i just want you think of something in your life (something beautiful) and think about who created it and why and for whom it might be created

i think that you will find many many things in your life even yourself

why your here?

what is your aim in this life?

and what will happen to you in the future?

please [attach] this and tell me by e-mail.

i will wait for you mr james .....

my best wishes...

[cr james' reply to him]

hello my friend...

i will answer your question.

my aim in life is to help guys get a sexual response out of their wives.

and to help guys who are dating learn these skills as well.

you said think of something beautiful. i am very happy with my life my friend. lol.

i see where you are going with this though.

and i respect that my friend, but wouldn't you think the "creator of all things beautiful" might enjoy the fact that "super sex power" has been an effective 'results-getting' tool to re-connect relationships?

what is YOUR aim in life? (just wondering)

here's an email that was just sent to me: (maybe you'll find this to be "beautiful")

From: "L" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
To: [email for SSP Customers]
Subject: Super Sex Power
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 16:03:35 +0000

Hi, Cr.

Thanks for getting back with me.

I understand that you must get hundreds of emails from men and women just like me who are turning their relationships around.

There are a few things I've been wanting to write about.

I am a high school teacher so I know that if you are able to change lives (even 1 life) for the positive that the gratification you receive from knowing what you've done is immeasurable. So, I feel obligated to write you.

[side note: you can find more beautiful comments at http://superhappysex.com/testimonials.html]

I found my way to your website after learning something that devistated me beyond anything imaginable! (And I must say that it still bothers me that I have to admit it) After my wife returned home from a 2 week training seminar I could tell that something wasn't right between us and mostly on her side.

We are in our early to mid 20's and have been married about 13 months when everything went down. I have to admit that she is everything to me! I know that you discuss this in your book and how that is not good, but I know now that was a lot of the problem.

After 2 days of pulling my hair out and trying to figure out why she was an emotional wreck, she admitted to me that she realized our sexual problems we had been facing were because she loved me but wasn't physically attracted to me. I've never been hit with anything so hard in my life! That brought me to you.
Failure in our marriage was no option. The morning after she hit me with the news (Monday) I gave all of my classes an assignment and went to my computer to search for answers. Looking back, I have to say that this may have been the worst morning of my life.

Your website was the first that appeared and was like an oasis. I have read through your book several times and I can tell you that it became my "bible" if you will on correcting my marriage. I have realized that everything you talked about is/was brilliant. I have also realized that things you talk about were things I already wondered about but needed to hear it from someone else and needed the backing to carry it through. Every moment that I am with her now I am going through things in my head that you have written about.

Another thing that is comforting to me is that you seem to have gone through everything that I went through (except that you realize that lack of attraction instead of her having to admit it to you). Therefore I knew that it would work. I keep this in mind also, as I continue to build on the foundation that I have built since this realization. I have changed internally and have begun to think on a greater level. Every once in a while there are occasions that arise where I find myself thinking back to specific parts of your book and going "yeah, he talked about that and I handle it like this . . . ." Without a doubt, I can tell that I have built back up that attraction that we had when we were first together. Things are better sexually than ever before and neither of us continue to be frustrated with this matter.

I feel like a big percent of husbands go through this problem. Do you think this is a safe assumption?
Looking back, I know that we were on the road to catastrophe if this wouldn't have happened. It now seems that it is that best thing that could happen to us.

I will also tell you that I am a religious man who believes that this all happened for a reason. Along that note, I will also tell you that I don't believe anything that you have talked about is immoral. We ARE created different and your findings are a breakthrough to me as to how women act and why in many cases.

I want to THANK YOU with the utmost sincerity and tell you that I don't want to think about where I (and my marriage) would be without your knowledge and taking the time to write it down.
I continue to look forward and I wait with great anticipation for each new email that you send.


if you have any questions regarding your specific relationship situation, email me my friend. if you want to explain and be more direct with your message, i'll embrace that too...

Take care...
CR James

PS: [tree portal non-fan], tell me what is your aim in life? Whenever someone asks me that question, I always make sure I ask them/him/her. I think this is fair. (even though I'm not motivated by being fair)

[side note: you can find more beautiful comments at http://superhappysex.com/testimonials.html]


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